Life's Little Embarrassments

Saturday, December 09, 2006

'Tis the Season... to Fall-a-la-la-lot...

I know that everyone has had a embarrassing "fall" at some point in their life. Whether it is missing that next step down the stairs... and you smack your ass cheeks on every single one on the way down, or tripping over a tree stump on a romantic walk, it is always a humorous but painful experience.

Being that it is winter time again, this just opens up probably the best displays of "falls" I've ever seen. You know, when your driveway and sidewalk get icy and covered in snow?

When I was young and to poor to buy ice skates, my brothers and I would tie bread bags onto our triple layered stocking feet. This was some of the best winter fun ever and I think they are better than ice skates. You slide better, spin better, and of course fall better to. Try it!

When I see people fall, it reminds me of what you would see in a cartoon... Some people come walking outside and start the Scooby-Doo scuffle, when your feet are moving faster than you can think about it. Sometimes this can be corrected, but mostly it always ends up with your ass on the ground.

I love when someone is trying to go up a hill in the winter, and every step you take you just can go any further. Like walking on a slippery tread-mill, if you don't keep up with it you'll fall on your face. I did this the other day when I was walking up the hill behind my house. What a site, my girls laughed and laughed. I tried and tried to get up that hill, but I never moved forward and ended up with a face full of snow. I should of just tried going the other way, but my German blood is too strong!

I was outside talking to a friend of mine after work and I reached into my car to start the motor and when I looked back to her, she was not there... I found her under her car! I wish I would of seen it. I did get a laugh at how she got in the position she was in, which was very much under the car.

I will never forget last winter when my kids and I were outside sliding down the driveway... which is a steep hill and I threw a ball down it to see if my dog (Jack-a 4 month old German Shepard) could fetch it for me. Do you remember the scene from Bambi, when he goes out on the ice pond for the first time and lands flat on his belly, all four stickin' out and spinnin' in circles? Well, that is exactly what Jack had done. I went to try it again because I wanted to get it on video. So, I threw the ball , started the camera... and then I started... down the hill!
I free-styled all the way down and ended up going backwards, rolling head over tea kettle about three times and landing in a bank of snow about 100 yards away from where I started. My girls thought that way the coolest trick ever, and of course they wanted me to do it again, and of course I didn't. But, I have it all on camera, from my view anyways!

I love to watch people walk in the winter time, it always amazes me at how many different approaches people will take to get where they are going. I remember going to the grocery store after work, and a lady was crawling accross the parking lot. I thought "ok, she is obviously a wack-job and I won't ask questions", but I had to because I'm just like that. She proceeded to explain that if she was upright that she would just fall down and she didn't wasn't to risk breaking a hip. I thought, "fine, everybody is a different flavor", until she got up and it's like she had slipped on a banana peel, and down she went. Of course, I helped her up and escorted her into the store... but, I laughed the whole time. >My bad, bad ways!<


Blogger Carri said...

Those are great. I always have to laugh at a good fall story! However, it really sucks when I am the one that falls!
Loves ya!

December 13, 2006 11:22 PM  

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