Life's Little Embarrassments

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Blonde Moments A Plenty

If there are blondes, there will always be moments!
I myself, am a blonde. Lets talk a little more about this...

One night I was enjoying a starry nights drive in my Chevy 4x4, on my way home from work. The drive is always beautiful, anytime of day. Wide valleys, winding roads and lakes a plenty. My mind is filled with serene thoughts of happiness. And all of a sudden... I slammed on my brakes to miss a deer, those gol-blasted @#*&$^ hairy SOB's! I didn't hit it, thank god, that would of been twice in a week! All my stuff on the seat came flying in front and on the floor. I had all 4 classes worth of books and material, my lap top and all that stuff that you lost and wondered what happened to. Yea, well that came up front from under the seats and cracks of the seats. Like that earring I lost a year ago, just appeared out of nowhere.
Anyways, after picking up the 2 tons of books off of the floor and reassemble the entire flow of my truck, Iwas ready to take off again.
Or was I...
I put the truck into gear, stepped on the gas, it went vrooom, vrooom, but it didn't move anywhere. So, I thought about it and fist thing to my mind was "oh shit, the transmission went out". So, I put my hazards on and sat and waited and thought about it and decided to turn the truck off and let it sit, and turn it back on. I thought maybe the 4 wheel drive had locked up and could be reset if I did this. So, I did it... nothing changed!

Finally, someone stopped! Not just anyone, about five totally hot young men. They asked what the problem was and I explained, and showed them. The one guy asks, "Is it in neutral?" I told him "no" , because it wasn't!! I thought he was playing jokes with me. I told them that I wasn't too far from the bar, and I could walk there after I push my truck off the road. So, they left, I thought to myself, "you dumb a#@". Why didn't you take advantage of that opportunity? Anyways, I walked to the bar to call my husband and the phone was out of service. My cell phone is out-of service at this location. But, I decided to climb on the top of my truck and call anyways.

It was a success, at least I thought. My husband came, with a look of death in his eyes. Mind you I hit a deer with my car the day before and it needs a lot of help! He tells, me " I thought you hit a deer" I said, "no, I stopped to miss a deer". He had explained to me that my call to him was a little like reading between the lines. He said all he could hear was "truck", "deer", "bar", "help"! As he is reading me the riot act, he gets in the truck and starts it up! Next thing I knew he takes off with it. In my mind I'm feeling really angry thinking I just needed to let the truck sit awhile. My husband comes back and proceeds to tell me that...
The transfer case was in neutral!!
What an idiot! I didn't even cross my silly mind that it could be that. After all all my books came flying off the seat and threw it into neutral. I felt like an idiot, especially since I figured out why those five hot guys where laughing at me when they left. Damn blonde, I'd probably would've been there all day, wondering...


Blogger Jocelyn said...

You'd do anything to get a carload of guys to stop, wouldn't you? I bet there wasn't even a just parked your car there and waited. Heh-heh.

October 08, 2006 10:44 PM  

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