Life's Little Embarrassments

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Indecent Exposure

Some girls just want to have fun. Some girls have too much!
On this particular day, it was my birthday. My two best friends, Jade and Daisy, had traveled up north to celebrate this occasion.
It was a beautiful July evening, the stars were all you could see. I left my house to met my friends at "Hayslips Corner". Hayslips is the local establishment, also well known as, the "Oldest Bar in the State of Minnesota". Trust me, it shows...
Very rusty and dusty, with lots of dead animals on the walls. The floors are so uneven that you don't have to be drunk to walk like a drunk. The pool table legs are adjusted as low as they will go on one side, and a few 2x4's under them on the other side. But the tables are level and the hospitality is like no other!
As we sat and caught up on good old times, the gossip and complaining about our men, we enjoyed our favorite summertime beverage. Long Island Ice Teas, the taste of summer and the batteries for three girls. We sang karaoke, as we usually did when we went out. Our motto was, " the drunker you are the better you sound". Of course, we all know that's not the reality of it. As the night went on and we were well lit up from excitement, it was bar closing time. We finished up and went outside. After much discussion as to what we were going to do next, we decided to go swimming. We always went swimming at night.
There are about 15 lakes in a five mile radius of where I live, so take your pick. My two German shepherds, Arizona and Cody were with me. They too enjoy a peaceful evening swim. We threw our clothes up on the dock and away we went, in the nude. Ahh! The water was warm and the moonlight was just bright enough to see. You can go out to the middle of the lake before the water gets over your head. It made the lake comfortable and inviting to explore. It was about 3am and after much fun in the water, we grabbed our clothes off of the dock, which mine were soaked from the dogs. The other girls were smart enough to hang them on the posts!
In route to my house we went. Not long after we left the boat landing, I saw car lights behind me, that got closer and closer. Then I saw the swirling red lights, and the ear crushing sound of a siren. I knew I was screwed. I pulled over without hesitation, and waited. He walks toward my truck with his flashlight, and approaches my window. He stated that he received a "noise complaint", and in about mid-sentence, his flashlight caught me and he stop talking. It was at that point that he noticed that I was completely naked. He scrambled for the words, but he did manage to say, "maim, your naked"! I explained to him that, "we were swimming and my dogs got my clothes all wet". He didn't seem as though he knew what to do next. He asked me if I had been drinking, naturally I told him "yes". He walked back to his car, then comes back and says, "maim, I would like you to blow on this". Being dark and all and with my two intoxicated friends next to me, we all busted out laughing. At that point I think he realized what he had said. I did do the breathelizer, of which I know I couldn't of passed. I explained to him that I lived about five miles away and was on my way home. To my amazement he says, "well, this may be your lucky night, but it's my lucky night too". "Go home and next time don't be so loud at the boat landing".
We laughed all the way home.
3 years have passed and everytime I see the officer, he reminds me of that night. With a great big smile!


Blogger Jocelyn said...

Omigod, so on top of it all, you still see the officer around? This is a great drunken tale--no one got hurt, and it's hilarious. I have a very seedy history with Long Island Iced Teas, myself....

September 22, 2006 10:41 AM  

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