Life's Little Embarrassments

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Confidential Information!

For those of us who work in the health care field, we all know that confidentiality is a huge issue. We are all signed and sworn to it, or else... I received a phone call from the emergency room, a nurse asked for Jillian. She proceeded to tell me that one of my patients had just arrived to receive emergency treatment. I was instructed to go to this patient's home to retrieve their psych. medications. When I asked her who's home I was going to, she told me "I'm sorry, I can't tell you that." "It's confidential." My face started to get a little warm, and I dug way deep to find a polite way to respond to this statement. After a long pause, I kindly asked her "how am I suppose to go to their house, if I don't know where I'm going?" She seemed very dumbfounded! After explaining to her that I have about 20 patients and couldn't possibly go to everyone of their homes to find out which one was missing. She stated again, "I'm sorry, I can't give out that information." "It's confidential." My blood is boiling by now. Thinking this lady may be one of my psych. patients. I asked, "is this some kind of sick joke, have you been taking your meds?" After I figured out that the rocket scientist on the other line was really a RN from the Grand Rapids emergency room, I told her "look, I will name off all of the patients that I have and when I've got the right one, sneeze!" So, this was how I figured out where to go to get the medication for the highly intoxicated... Well, I can't tell you because it's confidential!


Blogger Jocelyn said...

That is hilarious (and frustrating). The sneezing part cracked me up.

September 08, 2006 9:32 AM  
Blogger Jocelyn said...

That is hilarious (and frustrating). The sneezing part cracked me up.

September 08, 2006 9:32 AM  

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