Life's Little Embarrassments

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Was That... Oh Yes!! ...It Was

Romantically gazing over the waves of a majestic lake, my husband and I cuddled closely to endure the moment. It was a hot Saturday afternoon, the beach was alive with children making sand castles, playing games and splashing in the cool blue water. I love to just sit and watch the world go on around me as if I wasn't there. You can really widen your thoughts by observing human behavior at the beach.

As we sat there, giggling and smiling at the children covered in sand. I noticed a woman started to get up out of the water. I noticed because she was a large woman, for some strange reason I always look at large woman. But, this one was an exceptionally large woman! She proceeds down the shoreline of the beach, and the whole time I'm thinking," why in the world is this woman wearing a bright yellow bikini". Large woman just SHOULDN'T wear bikinis, we save that for those energetic teenage girls with no kids! This one was like a thong, bright yellow and strapped around the neck. At this point I was getting more and more interested as to the cognitive aspect of this woman. Was she crazy or just... Crazy! Anyways, I turned my head and in the corner of my eye, I saw this woman start to tug at the back of her thong. To by disbelief, she kept tugging and tugging...

Suddenly she wasn't wearing a thong anymore.

Was that... Oh Yes!! ...It Was.

It was an ENTIRE pair of shorts! Maybe it was just me but, it seemed as though the whole beach just stopped silent. I couldn't believe what I was seeing! So, my mind went off on it's own tangent of questions. Can it really be that a person could hold an entire pair of shorts in there butt cheeks? Is this legal? Should this be rated? What is the purpose?...

I knew I wasn't going to get my questions answered unless I actually went and asked the crazy woman, but at this point I wouldn't want to embarrass her anymore than she already has embarrassed herself.

Maybe she thinks she's Angelina Jolie... ??? ?


Blogger Jocelyn said...

I totally get your points and all (I have a little issue with men wearing, there are some things I just don't need to see at the beach), but I have to say that sometimes I have a weird respect for large women who just go for it and think, "Heck, I can wear what I want. I'm beautiful no matter what." But I guess when a pair of shorts seems to be a thong, we must admit there's a problem.

October 15, 2006 7:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's hard not to stare at these things... thats hilarious yet sad in its own way. How can anyone grow to be that... large. I love your style of writing, and how expressive you are. :)

October 15, 2006 10:31 PM  

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